What have I been doing?
(In order from most recent)
January 15, 2007
My vocabulary continues to grow and I’m making long sentences.
I have gwas (gas).
December 25, 2006
Mewwy Piss-miss = Merry Christmas
March 7, 2006
I am 2 today! WOW!! I went and saw Dr. Jones. I am 29 lbs. 35 inches tall. (65th percentile weight, 75th percentile height!) I celebrated my birthday with family after going to Drew’s Pack meeting.
February 2006
New words added in the last few weeks: kisses (pisses), vitamin, cereal, fishies.
January 6, 2006
The words I can say so far are: mamma, dadda, bye-bye, shoes, pants, nose, eyes, hat, ball, cars, bed, bear, eat (there’s more but mommy doesn’t remember right now).
December 27, 2005
I had to go to the Dr. today. I have an ear infection. I weighed in at a whopping 28 lbs!
December 22, 2005
I went and saw Santa today with big brother. I wasn’t too fond of Santa this year though. In fact, I got down and crawled away, but Momma made me get back up there. I’m not sure what the big deal is with getting your picture made with Santa each and every year.
November 24, 2005
Papa Stanford passed away.
November 2, 2005
I’m waving and saying bye-bye!!
October 31, 2005
I dressed up as a lion for Halloween!! I had such a good time, but I really would have enjoyed visiting with all the dogs and cats at each house more.
September 30, 2005
Mommy turned 30 today!! I celebrated with her at Shogun.
September 12, 2005
My vocabulary is growing by the day!!
September 2, 2005
I have mastered the art of walking and now I’m working on running!!
August 10, 2005
I’m walking all over the place!!
August 2, 2005
I walked from one room to another very slowly!!
August 1, 2005
I started walking today very slowly!!
August 1, 2005
I went back to Wee Care today.
July 28, 2005
I slide down the stairs now on my tummy – feet first!!
July 21, 2005
I am up and down the stairs like crazy! I love to go up there and play in my room!
July 11, 2005
I’m getting my first molar!!
July 10, 2005
Daddy turned 30!!
June 21, 2005
I went for my 15 month check up today! I’m doing great and here’s my new stats:
15 months
24 lbs. 11 oz.
31 inches long
June 19, 2005
I am climbing on everything! Upstairs, up on chairs, up on the couch! You name it, I’ll climb it!
May 31, 2005
I take a step here or there. I might decide to start walking any time now. I just need to put my mind to it!
May 28, 2005
I make monkey noises (uh-uh-uh) when I want something.
May 26, 2005
I’m trying to learn to open the front door!
May 25, 2005
I can say:
truck (twuck)
car (caw)
ball (baw)
Lots of stuff with the “Tu” sound
May 4, 2005
I got my 5th tooth!
April 18, 2005
I find it amusing to play with the doggy water and metal bowl!
March 20, 2005
I got my 4th tooth!
March 13, 2005
I’m getting used to the idea of no bottles, so we’re getting rid of all my bottles soon! WOW!
March 9, 2005
Today my dinner was a banana and squash (the real things, not baby food)!
I went to see Dr. Jones today and I am doing so great and getting so big! I got my Chicken Pox Vaccine too. I’m 23 lbs. and 30 inches long! He also said my eyes are turning brown in the middle and that I’m going to be getting more teeth very soon!
March 8, 2005
Today my dinner was green beans (the real things, not baby food)!
For those of you who know me well, know that I LOVE MY BOTTLE!! So Mommy is trying to encourage me to use my sippy cup more and my bottle less! I don’t like it one bit!
March 7, 2005
My 3rd tooth (right bottom) came in today!
I am 1 today! See pictures of my birthday here!
Gramma J, Nick, Maria, Layne, My brother, Dad, and Mom celebrated with me. They had lasagna shells and salad, which momma cooked, while I had Beech Nut Pineapple and Ham. We had cake and I opened presents. Nothing out of the ordinary! I got a Little Tyke Swing and clothes. I also got an elmo toy. I was not real sure about the little party hat that they put on me, but I eventually got used to it. I also wasn’t real sure about the cake eating. I didn’t like the feel of the icing on my hands, but when Momma cut a piece of the cake off and gave it to me, I liked it! It’s raining today.
March 3, 2005
I stood by myself for a few seconds, until I realized what I was doing!
February 21, 2005
I officially moved up to the next class today at school!
February 18, 2005
My 2nd top tooth cut through today! Go me!
February 9, 2005
Daddy took me to the doc today. I got my 1st ear infection and I’m wheezing. So I’m on an antibiotic and Albuterol. Poor me!
February 3, 2005
I got my 1st tooth today!! FINALLY!!
January 1, 2005
Happy New Year!
December 30, 2004
Another trip to Baton Rouge to visit family and for Mommy and Daddy to go to the Sugar Bowl!
December 27, 2004
Mommy trimmed my hair for the first time!! My hair was going past my collar and was starting to get in my eyes!
December 25, 2004
My first Christmas was lots of fun! I got some neat toys and some clothes, which I always need since I’m growing so fast!
I got a Vtech Smart Start Move N Crawl Ball, an Infantino Chewy Ark, Peek a Boo Blocks and some other stuff.
December 21, 2004
My 1st time to swing on a real swing at the park!
December 21, 2004
My 1st trip to see Santa! Santa was amazing! I wasn’t scared at all! Looking forward to my 1st Christmas!!
December 9, 2004
I am 9 months old now!! I am 21 and half pounds. I’m 29 inches long! Both 75th percentile!!
November 26, 2004
I had some “Sister Schubert Homeade Rolls”. I love feeding myself!
November 25, 2004
My first Thanksgiving!
November 18, 2004
I’m a cruiser now!
November 12, 2004
I can go from standing to sitting with ease, most of the time!
November 11, 2004
I love to bounce!! I need a “Johnny Jumper!”
November 8, 2004
I’m pulling up on everything I can! I want to walk so bad!
November 7, 2004
I’m 8 months old!
November 1, 2004
I’m crawling all over the place!
October 19, 2004
I pulled up on my fisher-price music toy!
October 18, 2004
I said MaMa!
October 13, 2004
I broke out today, so I must have Roseola!
October 12, 2004
I have a fever AGAIN today so I’m staying home with Mom who’s on Fall Break.
October 11, 2004
My baptism day! Today I woke up in a great mood…no fever!!
October 9, 2004
I’ve been moody today. Mom has kept me medicated to keep the fever down. We went back to the Dr. and saw a different Dr. who said after talking to Mom that there’s a virus going around, Roseola, where the child runs a high fever for a couple days and then breaks out from head to toe in a rash, that does not itch or hurt and is not contagious! I’m 7 months old!!! I am 19 lbs. 9 oz.
October 8, 2004
I went to after care at my dr. because it was after 5:00 and I was running a fever when Mom picked me up from school. The nurse had taken my temp which was 103.1!!! The dr. checked my ears, throat, and all the normal things they check. He seemed unsure of what to say since my ears looked ok. He said he wanted to get a urine sample and get some blood drawn, but he thought it was just a virus. I had to go through a painful catherization and then we had to go to the hospital to get the blood drawn!!!
September 14, 2004
I’m sitting up on my own now with just a little bit of wobbling, but not much.I also said “DaDa” for the first time.
September 10, 2004
6 month check up!I am 18 lbs. 10 oz. and 27 1/2 inches long! (both above 75th percentile)
September 7, 2004
I’m 6 months old!
September 5, 2004
I’m getting up on all 4’s and rocking back and forth!
September 3, 2004
I’m holding my own bottle!
August 25, 2004
I’m eating at “school” now! Love that applesauce!
August 23, 2004
I can sit up with a little support!
August 20, 2004
I tried squash today, yum!
August 15, 2004
I tried carrots today, yum!
August 9, 2004
It was my first day at day care! My teacher Cynthia is really sweet and takes good care of me!
August 7, 2004
I had some bananas today after my green beans! I think I like those ok!
July 30, 2004
I also had some sweet potatoes today. Not too sure about those either!
July 20, 2004
I enjoy playing in my walker. I go all over the kitchen. I also had some green beans today. I’m not sure if I like them quite yet!
July 14, 2004
I love playing with my toys and I’m still working on crawling. I roll over and over to get places!
July 13, 2004
I found my foot! My hobby now is pulling my foot to my mouth so I can chew on it!
July 11, 2004
I had some baby oatmeal with a spoon today. I’m eating better and better with a spoon. Mom’s feeding me oatmeal, because it has more fiber!
July 9, 2004
Mom let me have some apple/prunce juice today. Dr. Jones said it might help me with my constipation if plain apple juice doesn’t seem to work!
July 8, 2004
Mom let me have some apple juice today. Dr. Jones said it might help me with my constipation! I gulped it down!
July 8, 2004
I went to see Dr. Jones for my check up. I weigh 16 lbs. 4 oz. (75th percentile) and I’m 25 and 3/4 inches (75th percentile)! He says I have “amazing” head control and great body strength. He warned I might be an early walker!
July 7, 2004
I have been so hungry and not getting satisfied with just a bottle. I ate some rice cereal with a spoon and I did pretty well!
July 7, 2004
I turned 4 months today!
June 4, 2004
I went “swimming” in a lake. I loved it!
July 2-8, 2004
I went to Texas for the first time.
June 29, 2004
I went “swimming” at Surfside today!
June 19, 2004
I rolled over from my back to my tummy today!!!! It was so exciting!
June 16, 2004
I’m just a talkin’ up a storm with long sounds, like “gooooooooooooooo-caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” etc! I love to squeal and I’m becoming quite the giggle box when played with and tickled.
June 12, 2004
I’m holding my head up perfectly now.
June 10, 2004
I suck on my hands and fingers as I continue to explore my environment with my mouth.
June 9, 2004
I sat in Momma’s lap as she ate some chips and I watched every move she made! I was real tempted to reach out and grab for one!
June 8, 2004
Momma and Daddy got back from their trip. THANKS to Great Gramma M and Tara for taking good care of my brother and me!
June 7, 2004
I’m 3 months old. I think I’m about 15 lbs, but we’ll see at my 4 month appt. how big I am then!
June 1, 2004
Great Gramma M started giving me 2 bottles with rice cereal in it.
May 28, 2004
Great Gramma M and Tara came to watch my brother and I while Mom and Dad go on their trip.
May 27, 2004
I make raspberry sounds and drool all over the place!
May 26, 2004
I bring my hands together. I also reach for and hit nearby objects as my coordination skills develop.
May 21, 2004
I had my first bottle with rice cereal in it. I’m just so hungry Momma decided to let me try it!
May 19, 2004
I went to work with Momma so she could finish cleaning up and get ready for the summer!
May 16, 2004
I am such a happy baby in the morning and love to look around and talk and coo.
May 13, 2004
I sat on the couch and watched Mommy move from side to side as she vacuumed!
May 9, 2004
I’m smiling and laughing and gooing all the time. I also do it in response to others. I squealed for the first time today. I love to watch my mobile in my crib and lay in my crib and look around. I always seem to find the fan where ever we are!
May 8, 2004
I got my first set of pictures made.
May 8, 2004
I got my first set of pictures made.
May 7, 2004
I am ALREADY 2 months old!! Wow! Time is going by too fast! I’m getting so big! I weigh 12 lbs. 7 oz. and 22 1/2 inches long! I’m doing great!! I have dandruff all over my body so Momma is treating that, but no biggie!
May 3, 2004
Mommy goes back to work.
April 26, 2004
I’m cooing, gooing, and laughing a lot now! Everyone thinks I’m so sweet!
April 25, 2004
I went to my 2nd Auburn Baseball game with my brother, Momma, and Daddy. We didn’t think we’d win, but we pulled it off in the 9th!! WAR EAGLE!!
April 22 – April 25, 2004
Gramma & Grandpa Stanford came to visit. It was nice to see them.
April 29, 2004
I’m a little congested, but I’m not letting it bother me!
April 20, 2004
I got to go to my first Auburn Baseball game with my brother, Momma, Austin, and Kim. It was fun and we won!
April 18-19, 2004
Aunt Zelda and Laura came through Auburn on their way to Atlanta. We went out to eat and had a nice little visit with them. They enjoyed seeing me.
April 7, 2004
I am 1 month old today! We visited the dr. and everything is looking great! Can you believe? I am 10 lbs. 4 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long! My weight is in the 75th percentile and 50th percentile for my length. The dr. says I am quite alert and am focusing and smiling, which for a baby my age is a sign of intelligence.
March 26-30, 2004
I’m sleeping from about 9 p.m. till 2 or 3 a.m. and up again around 5 or 6 a.m.
March 29, 2004
Mommy gave me my first bath since my belly button has healed now. It was awful! I screamed the entire time! Although, I smell really good now!
March 27, 2004
I went to Birmingham for the 1st time to take my big brother to the airport!
March 23, 2004
My umbilical cord stump fell off!
March 21-25, 2004
I am sleeping from about 11 p.m. till 2 a.m. and up again around 5 a.m.
March 21, 2004
I went to Sunday School with Mommy and Daddy and then to church!
March 20, 2004
Grandpa Johnston came to visit.
March 18, 2004
Great Gramma M and Tara came to visit.
I slept from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m.!! WOW!!!
March 15, 2004
Weight: 8 lbs. 5 oz.
Bilirubin level: 5
We’re working on eating more during the day, so we can sleep more at night! I slept from 12 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Mom’s real happy about that!!
The home nurse came today and everything is looking great with Mom and me!!
March 12-14, 2004
I’m eating every 4 hours during the day and every 2-3 hours at NIGHT!
I took my 1st trip to the store with Mommy!
March 11, 2004
Weight: 7 lbs. 15 oz.
Bilirubin level: 10
March 10, 2004
Weight: 7 lbs. 13 oz.
Bilirubin level: 14
We were able to come home this morning!!
March 9, 2004
Weight: 8 lbs. 5 oz.
Bilirubin level:15.3 We were supposed to go home today but I had jaundice so we had to stay an extra day. I was treated with photo-therapy to bring down my bilirubin level.
When: March 7, 2004 at 12:13 p.m.
Click here to read my birth story.
Read about my journey in mommy’s tummy here.
See me in the womb here!
How did I get my name? Read here.
Pics of my arrival are here.
My nursery here.
Momma’s baby shower where I’m showered with gifts before I even arrived!
Where was I born? East Alabama Medical Center

Weight: 8 lbs. 13 oz. (1 oz. less than my big brother)
Length: 21 1/2 in. long (1 in. longer than my big brother)
Eye Color: dark blue
Hair: LOTS of dark hair (real thick & long in the back)
Other: Long fingers and toes & working hard to hold my head up ALREADY!
See me grow!
Date | Age | Weight | Height | Percentile |
Mar. 7, 04 | birthday | 8 lbs. 13 oz. | 21.5 inches long | 75th/90th |
Apr. 7, 04 | 1 month | 10 lbs. 4 oz. | 21.5 inches long | 75th/50th |
May 7, 04 | 2 months | 12 lbs. 7 oz. | 22.5 inches long | 75th/75th |
July 7, 04 | 3 months | 16 lbs. 4 oz. | 25.75 inches long | 75th/75th |
Sept. 7, 04 | 6 months | 18 lbs. 10 oz. | 27.5 inches long | above 75th/75th |
Oct. 7, 04 | 7 months | 19 lbs. 9 oz. | ||
Dec. 7, 04 | 9 months | 21 lbs. 7 oz. | 29 inches long | 75th/75th |
Jan. 7, 04 | 10 months | |||
Feb. 7, 04 | 11 months | |||
Mar. 7, 05 | 12 months | 23 lbs. | 30 inches long | 50th/50th |
April 7, 05 | 13 months | |||
May 7, 05 | 14 months | |||
June 7, 05 | 15 months | 24 lbs. 11 oz. | 31 inches long | 50th/50th |
July 7, 05 | 16 months | 50th/50th | ||
August 7, 05 | 17 months | |||
September 7, 05 | 18 months | 26 lbs. 12 oz. | 33 inches long | 60th/66th |
October 7, 05 | 19 months | |||
November 7, 05 | 20 months | |||
December 7, 05 | 21 months | |||
January 7, 06 | 22 months | 28 lbs. | 58th | |
February 7, 06 | 23 months | |||
March 7, 06 | 24 months | 29 lbs. | 35 in. | 65th/75th |