13 Things: Favorite Songs (TT #9)

Thirteen Songs that I’ve been listening to this week!

1. Remember When It Rained (Josh Groban)
2. Jump! (The Movement)
3. Let’s Groove (Earth, Wind, and Fire)
4. You Can’t Hide Beautiful (Aaron Lines)
5. Wheel in the Sky (Journey)
6. Forever Young (Alphaville)
7. She’s My Kind of Rain (Tim McGraw)
8. Movin’ Out (Billy Joel)
9. We Like to Party (Crazy Frog) – TV Boy loves Crazy Frog!
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday (U2)
11. Montana (Venus Hum)
12. Classical Gas (Mason Williams)
13. Jesus Take the Wheel (Carrie Underwood)

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Wystful1
2. Chi
3. Carmen
4. Emily Rose Jewel
5. Jacquelyn

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

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