Author Archives: lysha
From the Mouth of the 4 year old
On the way to Atlanta tonight, from the 4 year olds: Alex: Mom, squirrels climb trees. Alex: Do squirrels pee? Me: Yes, all animals pee. Alex: Do dogs pee? Me: Yes, ALL animals pee! Alex: Do bears pee? Me: Yes, Continue reading From the Mouth of the 4 year old
Boys Will Be Boys…
I came home today and noticed Drew had added character to his jeans. Not on purpose of course. 😉 You know you can’t have boys with out having holy jeans!
Van Halen Concert
For Valentine’s Day, Rob took me to see Van Halen the Sunday before Valentine’s Day. It was a surprise and I thought it was so sweet of him to think of that. Before the concert, we ate at Ted’s Montana Continue reading Van Halen Concert
Valentine’s Day
So this year Rob and I decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day on Valentine’s Day. We usually celebrate later on in the year. He went all out this year, from the concert, to the 3 bouquets of flowers, and candy. It Continue reading Valentine’s Day