You gotta love when the people that come look at your house scuff up the kitchen floor with dark black marks!
no longer updated as of 2016
You gotta love when the people that come look at your house scuff up the kitchen floor with dark black marks!
I’m just not sure what to write about. Thanks to all of those that have been praying for us. I still don’t wanna talk about why, but keep the good vibes coming our way;-) Today was Drew’s pinewood derby. His Continue reading Gosh I wanna write…I really do!
Please pray for us this weekend. No details right now.
Drew and I were headed to Hobby Lobby this evening to get stuff for his Pinewood Derby car. All of a sudden it wreaked of 9 year old gas! Him: *sniff-sniff-sniff*, What’s that smell? Me: *Chuckle, while rolling down the Continue reading Subject: Farts & Butts
Today was my last day of Chrimstas break. I feel as if I’ve been going 100 miles an hour and still didn’t get anything done. Oh well, back to the old grind tomorrow. 🙁