Drew’s Call Out Ceremony
Tonight Teenager’s Boy Scout Troop held an Order of the Arrow Call Out Ceremony. Order of the Arrow is the national honor society of the Boy Scouts of America.
no longer updated as of 2016
Tonight Teenager’s Boy Scout Troop held an Order of the Arrow Call Out Ceremony. Order of the Arrow is the national honor society of the Boy Scouts of America.
While perusing through Lauren’s blog I found this meme. Don’t think I’ve ever done this one, so here goes! 1. Where is your cell phone? purse 2. Relationship? forever 3. Your hair? longer 4. Work? fun 5. Your sister? young Continue reading 1 Word Meme
We went to Nashville, TN for a soccer tourney. Read all about it here.
This week is Children’s Book Week! Yay! Since Children’s books are my favorite, I’m bubbling with excitement to share my favorite children’s books of all time. When I started thinking back to the books I had growing up, this is Continue reading Happy Children’s Book Week {May 2-8}