10 Things You Do Every Day
1. Brush my teeth 2. Get dressed 3. Talk to my kids 4. Change Alex’s diaper 5. Watch TV 6. Read blogs 7. Look at Flickr 8. Drive 9. Eat 10. Clean
no longer updated as of 2016
1. Brush my teeth 2. Get dressed 3. Talk to my kids 4. Change Alex’s diaper 5. Watch TV 6. Read blogs 7. Look at Flickr 8. Drive 9. Eat 10. Clean
Over on this blog, Helene had a great idea for Mom’s day that’s coming up.
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Thirteen Thursday 1. N 2. O 3. T 4. H 5. I 6. N 7. G 8. T 9. O 10. S 11. A 12. Y 13. !
This was last weekend at Auburn City Fest. We got there in time to see the Silverwings. It was so awesome. Check out the rest of my photos on flickr! Here’s Rob and his mom on this thing, where you Continue reading Pics from last weekend