Visit to Mr. Paul’s House
See more pics from Mr. Paul’s House.
no longer updated as of 2016
See more pics from Mr. Paul’s House.
July 2006 Movie Houston – Fort Worth – Little Rock Family visit, Fun, Leisure, Site-seeing Click below to see movie and pics!
I found a great new Mama site called Mama Says Om. This weeks theme: saun·ter (sôntr) To walk at a leisurely pace; stroll. n. A leisurely pace. A leisurely walk or stroll. Here’s hubby with Monkey Boy strolling through the Continue reading Saunter
When you have a toddler and you notice that it has been too quiet for too long, you think to yourself, “I better go see what they’re into!” Well, it just occurred. Again! Alex loves to mess with stuff at Continue reading Silence is not Always Golden
Alex was at least staying in bed until 5 am, but nap time was torture. In the crib, screaming, throwing royal fit, crawl out of the crib, come down stairs, “Hi, Mamma”, truck back up the stairs, put him BACK Continue reading Crib Issues