Baton Rouge {2007}
April 2007 Baton Rouge Family visit, Fun, Leisure, Baseball series
no longer updated as of 2016
April 2007 Baton Rouge Family visit, Fun, Leisure, Baseball series
So yesterday was Alex’s birthday. He had a great day. For me, it wasn’t as great. It actually started Tuesday when I went to put my contact in my right eye, which looked irritated. I didn’t think much of it. Continue reading So yesterday
Exhausting day! I’ll let you in on the details tomorrow. Here’s a couple collages of pics from Alex’s photo shoot Saturday. These will be his THREE year pics.
This is the day he went home. Believe it or not, this outfit was for newborns, but it swallowed him up! Where has the time gone? I can’t believe three years have passed already. In so many ways though, his Continue reading Alex turns THREE tomorrow!
February 2007 Mobile – Dauphin Island Fun, Leisure, Site-seeing