Category Archives: The Fab 4
For Your Entertainment
This is not actually the song he was dancing to. I think he was actually dancing to music from a commercial. When he dances it always makes me laugh.
Bowl Picks
Every year our family participates in a bowl pickem’ contest with some of Rob’s coworkers and other family members. Click HERE for a link to follow our progress.
Philmont Links
Itinerary #22 Expedition 617-R blog Pictures Philmont Views Philmont Hikers Philmont Old School Philmont Landmarks Philmont Wildlife ========= Videos Philmont Ranger Video Collection of Philmont Videos Vimeo videos for Philmont ========= General Philmont Info Wikipedia From Philmont Scout Ranch Packing Continue reading Philmont Links
Back to School {2012}
School finally started today! It was supposed to start 2 weeks ago, but just before school was out our state legislature decided to mandate schools to start later this year. For years they’ve been talking about forcing schools to start Continue reading Back to School {2012}